The Emergence of Hybrid Hearings

This paper discusses the acceleration of Legal Tech in the wake of COVID-19, particularly Hybrid Hearings. There is also an overview of Hybrid and Virtual Hearings.

Dec 2021

Managing Though a Cybersecurity Incident

This whitepaper outlines the points to consider when responding to a cybersecurity incident.

Jun 2021

Planning & Managing Data Collection for Investigations

This paper gives you an overview of the planning and collection of evidence needed in a defensible manner for an investigation.

May 2021

Forensics & eDiscovery: Considerations in the Corporate Environment

This paper is a detailed examination of being prepared for handling incidents, running investigations and preparing for any legal process in relation to data collection and preservation.

Apr 2021

Preparing for Royal Commissions: Advice from the Front Lines

John Cleary from Aruma has been involved inhouse in management roles in three royal commissions. He shares his insights on a number of issues in preparing a response.

Apr 2020

Digital Innovations Transforming the Future of eHearings

In this whitepaper, we deconstruct how digital innovations are transforming the future of hearings and arbitrations.

Apr 2020

Steps in Preparing an Appeal Book

To ensure your organisation is on the front foot, we have put together a guide detailing the steps you can take if you are required to prepare an Appeal Book.

Nov 2019

Information Governance: Preserving Data and Being Prepared for Investigation

This whitepaper discusses the steps in identifying, collecting and processing data for an investigation and how this process informs an organisation’s information governance learning.

Oct 2019

What Happens After the Dawn Raid?

This whitepaper is a detailed examination of the role of data as evidence, considerations when collecting data and the inherent risks in self-collection.

Oct 2019

A Guide to Federal Court Appeal Books

This whitepaper gives you a practical guide to the process, structure and submission of Appeal Books for the Australian Federal Court.

Jul 2019

Why the Future is eHearings

The legal profession has been notorious for lagging behind other industries when it comes to innovation. However, a wave of new technologies is revolutionising the way the legal system works.

May 2019

The Evidence Collector that’s Always with You

This whitepaper is a detailed examination of the role of data as evidence, considerations when collecting data and the inherent risks in self-collection.

Apr 2019

Court Book Preparation: Tips and Traps

This whitepaper outlines some of the traps that can be encountered when preparing a Court Book.

Mar 2019

Royal Commission Checklist

There are preparatory steps that your organisation can take if required to submit information to a Royal Commission.

Dec 2018

Evidence Dos and Dont’s

This whitepaper is a detailed examination of the role of data as evidence, considerations when collecting data and the inherent risks in self-collection.

Nov 2018

Adopting eDiscovery for Internal Investigations

Inhouse counsel are often the first to be called on to manage an internal investigation. How can you effectively plan for and manage these investigations?

Jun 2018