Overnight Precision: Delivering a 27-Folder Custom Pagination Job in Record Time

Timeframe: 15 hours
27 folders x 20 copies

Royal Commission Management

Our client required a team that could manage all support aspects of a Royal Commission

Seamless Transition from Paper to Digital

High Volume, Quick Turnaround for Royal Commission Response

Reduce your production cost

Timeframe: 2 days
23,000 documents reviewed and printed – Cost Savings: $28,000

Rapid Turnaround for Bulk Print Job

Timeframe: Under 24 hours
115,500 pages

White Glove Handling for High Security Documents

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Australian Federal Government Agency had 12 boxes of materials to be scanned

Rapid Turnaround on a Challenging Manual Indexing Task

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Manual Indexing

Utilising our Managed Document Review Workflow Expertise to Become Litigation Ready Faster

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Our client was representing a large infrastructure company in proceedings with their lead contractor

Making “Light Work” for a Small Legal Team with too Many Documents and a Tight Deadline

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Our client, representing the trustee of a large trust, was required to disclose documents….

Tight Turnarounds and LAst Minute Additions with Royal Commissions Response

Timeframe: Less than 3 days
Our client was required to produce documents for the Banking Royal Commission in a tight timeframe

Rapid Response to a Regulatory Notice, Where the Size of the Data Set is Unclear

Timeframe: 2 Days
Our client was representing a large financial institution who was obliged to respond to s.33 notice

Smarter Document Review

Timeframe: 14 days
Review of 88GB of email data for an internal investigation

Prioritised Review with Active Learning

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Our client received a tranche of disclosure from another party totaling around 55,000 documents.

Enhancing Real-Time Transcription with a Touch of Innovation

Timeframe: No Time Limit
We were to provide real-time transcription screens in a state dispute international arbitration

Hybrid/Virtual Hearings for Bushfires Royal Commission

Timeframe: 1 Year
Running of The Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements in a virtual format

Hybrid Hearings for Disability Royal Commission

Timeframe: No Time Limit
We were asked to transition the hearing format for a Royal Commission

Protecting the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Sensitive Legal Proceedings

Timeframe: No Time Limit
Law In Order wanted to transition its eHearings services onto the cloud

Managing Confidentiality in a Virtual Trial

Timeframe: No Time Limit
We were asked to facilitate an eTrial

Venio – Early Case Assessment of 1.2TB Data

Timeframe: 3 days
Fast discovery deadline

Venio – Early Case Assessment of 400 GB email within 10 Days

Timeframe: 10 days
Regulator request for information, unknown data size & scope

Venio – Early Case Assessment of 40GB worth of Lotus Notes

Timeframe: 1 week
Novice eDiscovery users required to assess 40GB Lotus Notes Files

Seamless Overnight Support for Federal Court Fast Track Litigation

Timeframe: 5-8 hours
Overnight Work

eCourt & eTrial Services

Timeframe: 48 hours
Last minute request for eTrial