Modern Slavery Act Statement

We are committed to combating modern slavery through ethical practices and transparent operations

Structure, Operations and Supply Chains

Addressing our potential participation in modern slavery is important to Law In Order’s corporate responsibility program including our resolve to operate a safe as well as profitable business. In 2018, the Australian Modern Slavery Act was passed to help eradicate slavery worldwide.

Although Law In Order does not currently meet the revenue requirements for reporting (as of FY2020), we are committed to supporting the Modern Slavery Acts 2018 (Cth and NSW).

Structure, Operations and Supply Chains

Established in 1999, Law In Order Group of Companies (encompassing Law In Order Pty Ltd and Law In Order Electronic Pty Ltd) is the leading supplier of end to end document and digital solutions to the legal industry providing expert litigation support through our cost-effective document production, expert discovery management and specialist eHearing services. Law In Order has offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and India.

Across our value chain, we aim to ensure that we and our business partners operate with respect for human rights. Since 2011, we have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, which commits companies to 10 guiding principles on human rights, labour rights, environmental protection and measures to fight corruption. Our commitment to respect and support human rights is aligned to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We also support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with one of our four priority goals being Goal 8: decent work and economic growth. This goal includes the commitment to work to eradicate the many forms of modern slavery – such as forced labour or child labour – that exist.

The Potential Modern Slavery Risks in Our Operations and Supply Chains

We buy locally where we can to support diverse local economies.

The goods we procure cover all forms of office expenses from paper and ink to computers and photocopiers. It also includes highly specific items such as specialised software and technical equipment. The services we use include maintenance of office equipment and vehicles to graphic design. For some items, we can pick from a multitude of suppliers. For others, we are limited to one supplier worldwide.

Actions We Are Developing to Assess and Address Risks, Including Due Diligence and Remediation Processes

We will work with our suppliers to ensure they:

  • Have appropriate workplace health and safety standards for their staff,
  • Abide by applicable local laws,
  • Support the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • Demonstrate good environmental practice,
  • Have adequate emergency and crisis management in place 2 Modern Slavery Act Statement,
  • Have programs that support their local communities,
  • Provide accurate and timely reporting,
  • Share our commitment to these principles and actively promote them.

Programs we are Looking to Implement to Assess the Effectiveness of Those Actions

We will assess the effectiveness of our actions through monitoring:

  • Complaints from the community; and
  • Industrial relations disputes and grievances.

We are also exploring developing KPIs that help prevent modern slavery.